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Global CT Scanner Market Expected to Make $8.4 Billion by 2027

November 24, 2020

Polaris Market Research suggests that the global CT scan market will be worth $8.4 billion by 2027. There will be enormous growth from 2020 to 2027, as the CT scanner market is projected to grow by an annual rate of 6.4%.

The exponential growth is expected to be driven by a greater need for rapid diagnoses due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and also patients want less invasive diagnostic procedures nowadays to make the process more comfortable.

The market report suggests that mobile CT scanners will have the fastest growth rate and take a large share of the CT scanner market. Cone beam CT scanners are also projected to take an enormous share of the CT scan market, as there is a higher demand for cosmetic dentistry.

The rapid and unexpected onset of the COVID-19 pandemic boosted the global CT scanner market, CT scanners are urgently needed to help distinguish between COVID-19 complications and other diseases.

In terms of location, North America contributes the most revenue to the global CT scanner market, and this is projected to remain the same from 2020 to 2027. The most substantial growth is expected to be seen in the Asia Pacific market, in places like India and China.

The likes of GE Healthcare, Siemens Healthineers, Canon Medical Systems, and Hitachi Medical Corporation are key players and make up a large chunk of the global CT scan market. Competition in the CT scan market is rapidly increasing, as CT scans are being offered at cost-effective price points with extra benefits.

Polaris Market Research explores the revenue generated by CT scanner variations such as the CT scanner type, slice count, architecture, medical speciality, and much more in their full market report. The market report by Polaris Market Research can be found here.

About Mazree

Mazree is an online auction site for used medical equipment. Buyers can use Mazree to purchase CT Scanners, C-Arms, Ultrasounds and other used medical equipment from hospitals, health systems, and equipment resellers.

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